Hello and welcome to my personal page website. This web site is mostly for my personal use so there is not much to be displayed around here. If you have an account on my website than it means you are one of my close friends and you will have access to all the goodies and tools my site has to provide; telephone book, calendar, forum, a Tsuro game of my own, some other development stuff, and of course our friendly Pathfinder Charater generator.
If you are not one of my close friend, well... I'm sorry but you'll have to wait to see any of those things be made available, but I hope to eventually get the OK from Calliope Games to release my personal version of Tsuro online (which works great by the way) and my Pathfinder Character Gemerator.
In the meantime, you can have a look at my Novel's website, read our free online comics that goes with those novels and hopefully enjoy it enough to support us.
Thank you for visiting